Early bird registration is open now!

Register soon for Child in the City Seminar 2024

Space to play in Barcelona. Mosa Moseneke/Unsplash., FAL

Registration will soon be open for our forthcoming Child in the City Seminar 2024, which is all about tackling the challenges around how children play and move.

Rotterdam is the host city for our seminar from 3-4 December, when we will again bring together some of the foremost child experts to discuss policies and share ideas and successes.

Global research is increasingly showing a significant drop in the physical activity – not least outdoor play – of young people, while at the same time we are also seeing young people’s screen time continue to rise.

A growing body of evidence is making it abundantly clear that this lack of activity can, and is having, a major effect on health and wellbeing, illustrated by rising figures of child obesity, decreased motor skills, isolation and loneliness, often exacerbated by a reliance on mobile devices.

Keep on Moving is the title for the Child in the City Seminar 2024. For this year’s theme, the clue is right there in the title – it’s all about exploring opportunities around getting young people moving, and the associated themes which govern the possibilities.

There will be a focus on three specific topics:

1. Inclusive Spaces and Initiatives for Play and Sports
2. Children’s Mobility
3. Climate Change and Climate Justice

We are already assessing a host of potential speakers and presenters, who submitted their abstract ideas highlighting the theoretical and practical work being done across the world for the benefit of children in cities.

And if you want to join them in Rotterdam, then you can sign up here for updates about when registration officially opens before the end of September.

In the coming weeks we will be publishing more information about the seminar and some of its key speakers, but for now please visit the website for more about the programme.

See you in Rotterdam!

Author: Simon Weedy

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