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WHO and UNICEF set up free online course to help children’s environmental health

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have created new free online course which they say recognises ‘the urgent need to empower all healthcare providers to safeguard children’s health amidst the challenges of environmental pollution and climate change’.

In an era where pollution and climate change are increasingly jeopardizing children’s health, development and their future, this course aims to equip healthcare providers with essential knowledge and resources to recognize and mitigate these risks effectively.

Dr Maria Neira, Director of WHO’s Department of Environment, Climate Change and Health, said: “Over a quarter of all disease burden among children under 5 years of age are attributed to adverse environmental conditions. The need to act is clear: we must prioritise children’s environmental health to ensure a healthier future for generations to come.”

The course curriculum includes an in-depth exploration of children’s environmental health, covering topics like air pollution, climate change, e-waste, lead, pesticides and other hazards affecting children’s well-being. Participants will gain valuable insights and practical strategies to enhance their capacity in this critical area of healthcare.

UNICEF and WHO affirm that every child has the fundamental right to grow up in a safe and healthy environment. By prioritizing children’s environmental health, we can fulfil this right and safeguard the well-being of every child worldwide.

George Laryea-Adjei, Director Programme Group at UNICEF, said: “Children’s developing bodies are especially susceptible to environmental dangers, and they need our protection. Lead poisoning is a devastating example: it can lower IQ and increase violent behaviour. Health workers are on the front lines, safeguarding children from these types of risks.”

Organisers say the course addresses ‘a pressing need within the health sector, where many providers have limited knowledge to recognise, assess and manage environment-related diseases in children’. Tailored training materials and resources, including examples of local initiatives, will mean healthcare professionals will be better equipped better address these challenges in their local contexts.

The WHO/UNICEF partnership, they say, also ‘underscores a shared commitment to advancing children’s health and well-being globally, ensuring that healthcare professionals are equipped with the necessary tools and knowledge to protect the most vulnerable members of society’.

Author: Simon Weedy

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